Saturday, November 20, 2010

2010 birthday of mine

November 15, 2010 was my birthday. A week before that, me and my family went to beach to chill from stress. I talked to my father that if he can't fix my car aircon I'd rather to a have a new cellphone. He was sweating at that time, hehehe . Because he thought that the phone that I wanted was 10 thousand or more. I said that only 7 thousand, Then he didn't mind me. As we gone home we had fun with my two sisters we were talking with each other. 2 days before my birthday, My mother went to manila to watch my little sister's soccer game together with my ate. Me and my girlfriend was in home at that time because my father gone from some business meeting. When my father went home he gave me this paper bag of smart then he greeted me in advance. I was shocked because the specific phone that I said to him is the one that he bought. I was so happy because I could feel no pain in  my thumb because my old cellphone's keypad was too hard to press. I felt stress free again with my new phone. As my birthday came my mother wasn't here in Davao and she and my little sister and my ate will come at 9pm. My father gave me money to celebrate my birthday and I spent it together with my girlfriend.

PS: kungfu panda II coming soon . hehehe.


  1. Learn to link statements or sentences. Never start with 'because' and try to fine tune the proper use of tenses.

    Further, learn to edit unnecessary sentences.

    Your grade for this week is 85%
