Saturday, December 11, 2010

Memory will run slow if it is full just like computers but in humans it will cause stress. Stress is a normal physical and emotional response to things that make you feel upset and throws off your balance in some way.Every person need to relax after a long days of school or work. People should give themselves what their want and give themselves a time to chill and think about nothing. It is good for our mind to set aside problems and enjoy our day with our friends talking about the good old times,sharing stories and play basketball with them or go shopping with them. It could also less our stress spending sometimes our time watching sunrise in a nice beach resort or spending our time with our love ones or parents. There are too many ways to get our stress out of our body. Even eating or drinking is a way of releasing it. We need to give relaxation time to our mind because our mind need to rest too. 

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