Saturday, November 13, 2010

kungfu panda

Kung fu panda is my favorite cartoon movie. Every time I watch this movie it seems like my first time. I almost memorize each line even if I don't watch the movie I only just listen? I still know where where part of the movie is. This movie could relax me because it is really funny that a panda has a duck father and a big fat panda is the dragon warrior and everyone can't believe because he is too fat and seems like he is not deserving to be the dragon warrior. His master believes that he is disgrace in the history of china and in the history of kung fu. The panda tried his best to make everything that his master will say so that his master will believe that he is the chosen one. Until such time that he was in his best and he need to defeat thai lung because thai lung has a bad character and he will destroy the valley because he didn't get the dragon scroll because the master saw darkness in his heart and thai lung destroy the valley because of his anger and the panda now will fight him to make peace not only to the valley but also to his master. They fight and fight and fight until thai lung can do it no more and the panda won the battle and that is the time that his master completely believes that he is the chosen one.

1 comment:

  1. line1: seems like my first time.
    revision: seems it's my first time watching it.

    line2: ..memorize
    revision: ..memorized (past tense).

    line6: ...master believes that he is disgrace in the history of china.
    revision: ...master believes he's a disgrace to the history of china.

    Be careful with the tenses. I also like Kung Fu Panda though I felt that it was quite predictable but I was curious as to why he was the 'chosen one'. Indeed my questions where answered during the fights.

    Good post! Keep it up!
