Friday, March 11, 2011

if I were the president

If I were the president of the school I wouldn't implement haircut inspection. I will consider the feelings of the student who try to express themselves. I will make parking lot for students inside the campus and make the campus like a free country. Everyone could make things they want it to be as long as they didn't passes the law that would be alright. I will make the passing grade 70 instead 75 for irregular students. I will make sure that everyone will not be hustle during enrollment. I will not consider the extra curricular fees in school because parents of the students have hardly pay the bills and students didn't use the extra fees like library and internet fees. Students who will forget their id can get in to school and give warnings to the student instead of cant get in to school. I will fix the elevator and give a highly maintenance on it because sometimes out of 3 elevator only 2 are working, students will be late due to that. I will make the jubilee building  also a air conditional building not only to the faculty but also to students and the elevator, students should use it too.

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